Title: Andrew Knight’s Achievements

Andrew Knight may only be starting college, but he has already achieved a lot during his life. Between his academic career and his busy sports schedule, he still manages to fit in extra activities and volunteer work.

His academic achievements include graduating in 2017 on the honor roll from New Canaan High School. He kept his grades up all the way through school, receiving high marks on his performance. He was a good team player and quick to lend a hand with projects and class work.

He is currently studying finance and minoring in Italian at Skidmore University. He hopes to have a career in finance someday. Working in NYC after college is his dream. He has plans to continue studying hard and getting good grades to achieve this dream in the future.

He has helped his baseball teams win multiple games throughout the different levels. He plays catcher. He hopes to continue his baseball career as long as possible but plans to stay on the team at least until he finishes college.

In his spare time, he enjoys reading swimming, golfing, skiing, playing tennis and more. He likes to stay active and has won many trophies from sporting events.

On top of all his academic achievements, he has also helped many organizations with his volunteer work. Fill in the Blanks is an organization that helps to provide foods to low-income families in his hometown. He spent quite a bit of time helping to organize fundraisers and gather donations from local stores and groups. His achievements in the world of community service have helped many of his local peers.
